Sunday, June 8, 2008

Starling wars: Part 1

We have attracted many lovely birds to our back yard. But, the bad
comes with the good. The Starlings are real feed hogs and scare away
other birds.

So we've been applying some classical aversive conditioning psych to
try control them. I purchased two of these walkie talkies at Radio
Shack for just under 20 bucks. One is attached under the roof of our
feeder. We sit inside the house and zap them with the loud ringing
tone from our unit when they approach. With the exception of a few
stubborn (deaf?) birds it works. They fly away. There has been a
decrease in Starlings and they are now found to more ground feeders-
looking for spilled seeds.

It will take time to continue this form of aversive conditioning for
it to be a long term solution. And, someone needs to be present to
deliver the auditory irritation. If it proves not to be a long term
soltion we may need to thin the herd with a pellet gun. They are one
of the few birds that are not protected and could stand some herd

Stay tunned for battle updates.

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