Saturday, December 20, 2008

The progress paradox

A couple of years ago I read the book The Progress Paradox: How Life Gets Better While People Feel Worse (Gregg Easterbrook). It was a somewhat difficult read, esp. the first half which was filled with all kinds of results of surveys and polls. But the underlying message was interesing...namely, that over the past few decades we have made major progess in many domains (across the world), yet, polls/surveys continue to suggest that people feel worse and pessimistic...thus the paradox. Of course, this was written before the current world financial crisis.

However, there were some interesing points made in the book that I believe we should all take time to reflect on from time-to-time. One was the "tyranny of the small picutre." According tothe author (empahsis added by me):

…..solving one problem often creates another; the new problem is noted and fretted about while the original, being solved, is forgotten. Call this the "Tyranny of the small picture." Instead of the big picture we often see the small picture, aware only of the lesser negative within the greater positive (p.99).

As we approach the holiday period with the multitude of financial, political, and global issues that seem to bombard us daily (thanks largely t the 24-7 cable news), and as we look forward to a new era in US politics with the potentially transformative presidency of Obama, I think we should all try to maintain a focus on the big picture......and not get stuck with blinders focused on day-to-day small picture issues, crises, problems, etc. A big picture perspective will be necessary as we attempt to move forward during this challenging times.

Just my 2 cents

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