Friday, October 29, 2010

No hole in my head...but...........

Had my left eye checked today. Well over a year ago I had surgery to repair a macular hole in my left eye. I then developed a cataract (which happens in 80+% of cases of people who have the surgery I did..not big deal). Today I had things checked and the eye doc used technology to take this amazing picture of the back of my eye.

The dip in the surface is the macula....which is near the retina. If you look to the left side you can see a nice downward slope. At the green line a similar upward slope should be present....but as you can see, instead I have another dip. This is the macular hole that was repaired...and that hole is closed and fixed. But, I will always have a small blind spot in my vision due to this hole...but it is only noticeable when doing an eye there is a small line of gray the makes reading the middle letters on the charts impossible...a blind spot. But when both eyes are working my brain figures things out and I don't see the gray blind spot.

This is amazing technology....don't you think. These doctors are amazing.

If you are curious about the initial amazing surgery, you can view this procedure on You Tube....simply amazing.

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