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Dear Kevin --
Bringing change and accountability back to Washington is going to require listening -- not to the same lobbyists, special interests, and political talking heads, but to the people and families who are struggling under the failed policies of the past eight years.
Starting this Sunday, September 7th, and running through Sunday, September 14th, Barack Obama's Minnesota Campaign for Change will embark on a Heartland Change Tour of Minnesota to do just that.
From Ely to Winona, this listening tour will touch every corner of the state. Regular Minnesotans will have the opportunity to give their input, talk about the issues they're facing day in and day out, and share their ideas about the kind of change they want to see in our country.
Find a stop on our Minnesota Heartland Change Tour and make your voice heard.
Restoring transparency and accountability to Washington is essential to bringing the change our country needs. And that can only be done by listening to real people -- not powerful corporate lobbyists -- and responding to the issues and concerns they face.
We'll be taking questions and holding discussions on all of the issues facing the small towns and communities across Minnesota, including agriculture, farming, rural economic development, and small businesses.
Find out more about our Heartland Change Tour of Minnesota, spread the word, and play a role in bringing the change we need:
Thanks, and see you on the road.
Dominick Washington
Minnesota Political Director
Obama for America
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